Rhode Island

The colony of Rhode Island was founded in 1635 by Roger Williams for more power to the people because Massachusetts had too much governmental power. The colony fished and cut down lumber. It had religious tolerance, which means you can freely chose what religion you wanted to practice, but had to respect those of other religions. All white men could vote in their government, not just property owners.The colony's famous document is the Stamp Act which was when Britain was giving the colony's taxes, which required many paper items have a stamp on it. Anne Hutchinson, a minister who held bible studies, went further and gave her thoughts about what she thinks the sermons were meaning. She got kicked off of the Massachusetts colony and moved to Rhode Island. Rhode Island is 40 miles long and 30 miles wide, and it is usually in the 70's for temperature. It is mostly flat and has beaches near the coast. If you are someone who wants to take a peaceful fishing job or someone who wants to get some wood for the towns' people, then this is a colony for you. Since Rhode Island was founded for more power for the people of the colony, the people who would most likely go there were people who wanted their own voice in the government. So the people that would want that were people who were independent and strong willed. Since they were so close to the coast many Rhode Islanders were fishers. Their government made sure that no one would politically be able to have too much power in the colony. A lot of people of different religions came to Rhode Island because of its religious tolerance and because of this it diversified the people living there.